Special K

This August was a month full of very intriguing talent and potential amongst the abundance of teams and players that attended our events. Talent everywhere from High Major Division 1 to Division 3 level players competed all month long. Of the many players I saw this August, a few players really stood out and either made a name for themselves or showed why they were already highly touted.

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Upward Stars 704: A Well-Oiled Machine

After an extensive down-period, the past month has been full of excitement and opportunities for kids to prove themselves to college coaches. While the recruiting process differs greatly from that of a normal summer, everyone has done their part to make the best of this unique situation. Naturally, high-profile programs haven

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Special K

This August was a month full of very intriguing talent and potential amongst the abundance of teams and players that attended our events. Talent everywhere from High Major Division 1 to Division 3 level players competed all month long. Of the many players I saw this August, a few players really stood out and either made a name for themselves or showed why they were already highly touted.

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Freddy Johnson Approaches Milestone 1000 Career Wins

Greensboro Day School

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<h2 class=”ltitler” style=”margin-top: 0;”><a href=”″>Phenom