Hoops & Dreams Top Performances

Here is a list of the top performers from the Hoops & Dream Showcase presented by Lucas Moore Realty. Please note these top performers are in alphabetical order by school. Fayetteville Academy6’5 2024 Xavier Johnson: 31 points, 6 rebounds, 3 assists & 2 steals on Friday. 19 points, 1 rebound & 1 assist on Saturday. 6’4 2026 Jossiah Johnson: 22 points, 9 rebounds, 1 assist...

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Takeaways from Hoops and Dreams Showcase: Quality Education is Legit

Accumulation of talent has become the biggest priority for a vast majority of high school programs over the last few years. Sure, every coach aims to put out the best possible on-court product but the rapid increase in private/independent school popularity has turned the landscape into mayhem. Too many coaches are determined to build the most talented teams instead of hunting for cohesion and...

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