5 New Names to Start Tracking
Charlotte Hoops Challenge

Isaac Sufferen
6’2” 2018 Myers Park (NC)

Sufferen put on a scoring show in Session 2 of the NC Phenom 150 camp. He continued that here as he shot the cover off the ball. Sufferen finished with 22 points on 6 threes and 4-4 from the free throw line. He has great length, and is able to create his own shot with confidence. Get used to hearing this name, he’s talented.

John Meeks
6’6” 2017 The Burlington School (NC)

Meeks was a starter on the state championship team last year. There he was a stretch four man. Over the summer, he has grown an inch and filled out a bit. He is now a bouncy wing, with good strength and a high IQ. In the upset of Word of God, Meeks was the game’s MVP. He finished multiple dunks, had great vision, and shot it well from the perimeter. D1s, its time you start calling here.

Nate Springs
6’9” 2018 Myers Park (NC)

This was our first viewing of Springs, and we left impressed. At first look, he is very slender, and will need to add weight. However, as a 15 year old, he is very coordinated, very long, and very active. As strength comes, he will be able hold position better. As confidence comes, he will be able to establish on the low block. You cannot teach 6’9”, you cannot teach motor, you cannot teach length. He has all that.

Nenad Milenkovic
6’6” 2016 Concord 1st Assembly (NC)

Milenkovic has only been in the US for a couple months, as he came over from Serbia. Milenkovic is very athletic as he finished above the rim in traffic on multiple occasions. He also has deep touch off the catch and a high level of confidence. Milenkovic is an unsigned senior, his coach says that he is qualified and he will put up some huge scoring outputs this year.

Philip McKenzie
6’5” 2017 Cannon School (NC)

Not sure what McKenzie is, however it is without question that you want him on the floor. McKenzie is a defensive specialist, with versatility across three positions. He rebounds at a high level and he is very explosive. McKenzie doesn’t demand the ball, plays with in the offense, and defends the opposition’s best player. He carries a Houston Baptist offer, expect more to come.

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