Now that we’ve reached the month of July, basically every game represents the opportunity for players to be seen, evaluated, and offered by college coaches. While this notion is more applicable to seniors, several juniors and multiple sophomores will inevitably put themselves on the radars of next-level programs. Over the few months, we will take a closer look at various players who should warrant attention as scholarship-level prospects. The intent of this article series is simply to provide breakdowns of guys who coaches should know about. We will continue by looking at Bryson Mickey of Davie County High School.

Every year, there are players whose look doesn’t necessarily align with their production. This is applicable in both directions. Certain guys appear to have all the tools yet lack ability on the court. However, it’s much more fun and exciting when a player is overlooked by his peers until the balls are rolled out. That describes Mickey perfectly. He doesn’t possess elite physical attributes and he’s not going to be the player who meets opponents at the rim. However, his production is undeniable. Mickey is a smart, sturdy, well-rounded guard who provides a unique level of electricity as an offensive focal point. Despite not being particularly quick, he’s crafty enough to effortlessly break down opponents and get where he wants on the floor. Mickey is a polished three-level scorer who mixes it up at a strong rate while actively getting others involved. Although his creation skills and scoring instincts regularly capture the attention of bystanders, Mickey’s vision and ability to set up others also separate him from other players. He communicates well and provides useful energy as a defender and rebounder.

 While it might seem negative referring to Mickey as “unassuming,” it’s actually part of what makes him such a widely loved prospect. He’s clearly a college-level player, but folks must watch in order to properly understand what he brings to the table. Mickey uses jabs and ball fakes as well as any player in the state. The threat of his ability to fill it up as a scorer allows him to manipulate defenses extremely well. Ultimately, Mickey is someone who deserves more attention. It doesn’t seem to matter the time, place, or surrounding individuals, he simply produces. Expect him to emerge as a priority for various college coaches over the coming months.

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