The high school season has flown by but now 2023 is here and it is time to start looking at the upcoming travel ball season with Phenom Hoops.
First up: Phenom Opening / Lady Phenom Opening
Phenom Opening (March 11-12) (Boys): https://www.phenomhoopreport.com/events/phenom-opening-session-i-details-page/
Lady Phenom Opening (March 11-12) (Girls): https://www.phenomhoopreport.com/lady-phenom-opening/
There are plenty of opportunities out there for teams and players to play out there, but one of the biggest questions teams and coaches need to ask is what does a platform have to offer' This is why we are here to share what Phenom Hoops brings teams, coaches, players, and fans throughout the upcoming season and why we have the platform for you.
Phenom Hoops prides itself on bringing the best product to the court for everyone. First and foremost, we want to bring a platform to allow players and teams to shine and earn recognition around the country and with college coaches. We are highly connected with college coaches from all levels, as we have one of the top scouting reports out there that go to D1, D2, D3, and so many other schools. No matter what level, we want to provide an opportunity to be seen.
We also pride ourselves in providing a complete product. We have a platform that helps record games for players and teams to use and share. We have our own video platform that captures highlights for teams and players. We have scouts covering all courts at our events, giving players a chance to BE SEEN by our national scouts and to be talked about on social media and our website. And finally, we have events that are affordable for teams and teams get the most for their buck.
It is the entire package, and the Phenom Opening is the best event to kick-start the season. Elite competition will be in the building, allowing your players to start early on the big stage with us, and starting to promote your team in the biggest way possible. As well as being introduced to college coaches!
Phenom Hoops prides itself in the biggest of ways with our events and doing the most we can to help teams, players, coaches, and fans. And with everything else we have added that includes our analytics breakdown, our video platform, our content on a daily basis, and so much more to come… Phenom Hoops is the place for you.