On Wednesday, Combine Academy sent shockwaves through the grassroots community after announcing their decision to hire Mike Wright as the new head coach of their national program. In terms of qualified candidates, no one should’ve really been surprised. Everything Wright has accomplished during his time at Liberty Heights is well-documented. He’s widely regarded among the top coaches and best overall people within the entire high school landscape. Not a single player, staff member, or even outsiders have anything negative to say about Wright. So, what will he bring to Combine Academy, and what will be the result'

For starters, Wright has already sent countless players to the college game. The challenges of managing a program like Liberty Heights can be difficult, simply based on their lack of true resources. However, all those obstacles are no longer issues. The newly represented Goats have all the necessary appeals, from facility to housing to everything in-between, which should allow Wright to enjoy a seamless transition into the new endeavor. Add in the reputation that both sides have built prior to the hiring, and there should be plenty of talent set to come through Lincolnton. 

So, what can we expect from Wright and the new-look Goats' Well, it’s clear that his mentality and desire to help kids has remained unchanged. There’s really no telling who he plans to target, how he wants to design his roster, or much of any insight on what they’ll look like going forward. That being said, Wright has proven himself time and again, and should be expected to do great things. 

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