Phenom Hoops continues to bring you the latest in the recruiting world with some of the top players around the country, as we checked back in with our guy 2025 Hudson Greer. We introduced you to him on our platform and broke down his game back in 2022, along with learning more about his recruitment. We spoke to him recently once again to see what else has been going on. He talks about some of his latest visits, which schools are coming his way, and what he is looking for in a school.

August 2022 Article:

Phenom: How has everything been going this season so far for you and your team'
Greer: All is good, 15-1 on the season so far. The team is playing well, and we love our new coach. I’ve been pretty good as well. I’ve been focusing on creating for my teammates, staying low on the defensive end and my handle.  

Phenom: What has been your role early this season for your team' What has been your mindset'
Greer: Clearly the primary scorer but also getting my teammates involved. Getting my guys in the right spots. My mindset is that no one can stop me but it is also important to keep everyone involved so we can achieve our goals.

Phenom: What has been going on recruiting-wise for you these days'
Greer: It has been good. I took an official visit to Creighton last weekend. Omaha is a great place. They love their basketball and Coach Mac is one of the best coaches out there. Love his creativity on offense. His staff is great too. I’ve been spending a lot of time with Texas as well. I had unofficials at UCLA and Arizona back in October, and I really liked both these programs. Coach Oats at Alabama has also been recruiting me hard. That is just off the top of my head. I’d like to decide at some point towards the end of this summer.

Phenom: How was the Creighton visit' What did you see and do'
Greer: Creighton was great. They do everything first-class. We spent a ton of time with Coach Mack. He really cares for his players. We watched practice, met with the academic advisor, and met with their strength coach as well. They had a game on Saturday. The coaches really feel like my style of play fits them. Both my shooting and ability to move without the ball. Watched film with Coach Mac and showed specific examples of where I would benefit and help the team win some games.

Phenom: You mentioned Texas showing interest. Thoughts on them'
Greer: Coach Terry and Coach Chapelle have been my main contacts. I have a great relationship with them. They have made it clear they want me there. I go to a lot of games and I’m friends with some guys on the teams. I like Texas. Close to home, great arena, and students; just a great school.

Phenom: What stood out about the two visits you took earlier'
Greer: At UCLA, Coach Cronin’s intensity and attention to detail in practice; I loved it. I also really like Coach Savino. Obviously the program’s history (stands out)> At Arizona, it was Coach Lloyd’s approach. Encouraging his guys to run and push the pace. I was there for their Blue & Red game, and got to meet Iguadola, Mike Bibby, Richard Jefferson, and Channing Frye.

Phenom: Phenom any other visits set up' Any specific places in mind'
Greer: Working on a couple for the spring. Since we are in season, there are no open weekends. I’d like to do official sat Arizona, Alabama, UCLA, and Texas off the top of my head.

Phenom: What would you be looking for in a school overall'
Greer: Team culture. How the team interacts with each other and the coaching staff.  With the portal, seeing how a coach uses the portal. Want an active fan base. Also want to see how the program develops players; if they are sending guys to the league.

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